Every state has its own laws regarding who must register as a sex offender. While the exact procedure to register is different in every state, working with the best sex crime defense attorney in your area will ensure that you comply with the said law. Failing to register is a crime in every state and…
False rape accusations have almost become a weapon. Whether a person is jealous, angry, or looking for revenge, they can simply make an accusation and cause another person tons of trouble. That’s why it’s critical to work with a team of sex crime lawyers who can help you create a defense. Being convicted of rape…
From the first moment you even get a hint that someone is accusing you of date rape, you need to consult with a sex crime defense attorney right away. You might think that the other person is just playing around or that you can talk yourself out of any trouble, but a date rape charge…
If you are facing a child pornography lawsuit or are under investigation for child pornography possession or distribution, you are likely to be feeling very concerned about what the future holds for you. The penalties for a child pornography conviction can be incredibly severe, and during this intense situation, you may be feeling very vulnerable….
The crimes of assault and battery all involve intentional injury inflicted on one person by another. However, there are a few distinct differences that separate these types of crimes. Keep reading to learn more about what defines assault and battery and what a federal criminal defense attorney can help you with if you are accused…
Do’s and Dont’s When Accused of Child Pornography Possession In a world of digital photos, social media, and cloud-based storage, the incidences of sex crimes are on the upswing. If you’re under investigation for any criminal charge related to child pornography, consulting with a proactive and experienced sex crimes defense attorney should be your top…