Spousal Rape Law Firm Marital rape and Domestic violence crimes are still very real. If you believe you’ve been involved in marital rape or have been accused of such a deed, you should contact a sex crime lawyer in Los Angeles right away. There are some people who still believe that sexual intercourse within marriage…

Everyone needs to prevent identity theft. Identity theft can happen to anyone. Stealing someone’s identity can give a criminal access to bank accounts and savings, credit accounts, the ability to establish new lines of credit, and even receive medical care under another person’s name. You can take steps to help prevent identity theft, identify if…

Need a drunk driving lawyer? We can help. Being convicted of a DUI can change everything in your life. A DUI conviction can cause you financial problems, impact your work or ability to get work and cause tension between you and your loved ones. A DUI conviction will go on your record for a minimum…

Being falsely accused of assault can ruin your life. An accusation alone can cause problems in the workplace, which can result in losing your job. A simple accusation can even cause problems between you and your loved ones. If you have been falsely accused of assault, you must take action to protect yourself and your…

If you’ve been charged with, arrested for, or accused of breaking looting laws under California Penal Code Section 463, contact a federal criminal defense attorney right away. There are severe penalties for those convicted of looting or breaking other laws under this code and by working with the best criminal lawyer in Los Angeles, you…

The term cybercrime refers to any criminal activity that takes place online. If you are accused, under investigation for, or are arrested for a crime in cyberspace, you’ll need a cybercrime lawyer on your side. Many cybercrimes go against both state and federal laws and can carry a hefty fine plus time in prison. Instead…

California is known for being the cultural hub of the world. The west coast’s most significant state is also the technology capital of the world. Silicon Valley is home to companies like Google, Apple, and Facebook. Coincidentally, California can also call itself the cybercrime capital of the U.S.  If you or someone you know has…

From pop culture TV shows to recent ballot measures, it seems that drugs are part of a national conversation. While some state laws are relaxing their hold on some drugs, things at the federal level are a little slower to move. That means understanding the legal side of drugs can be complicated. Illegal drugs, from…

Sex crimes are a serious offense. A significant penalty associated with most sex crime conditions is registration as a sex offender. This penalty can be imposed for life, restricting your access to housing and renting options. Those who are registered sex offenders cannot live or go near a school or playground, whether the offense involved…

Our criminal justice system is founded on ideals such as “innocent until proven guilty,” checks and balances and requiring a high standard of proof by criminal prosecutors to prove guilt by “proof beyond a reasonable doubt.” These standards are intended to prevent the conviction of innocent parties who are accused of serious crimes. Unfortunately, many…

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If the police have contacted you regarding a crime, get a criminal lawyer now to help prevent charges from being filed.



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