Sexual Assault Archives | Page 3 of 3 | LibertyBell Law

How the Stanford Rape Case Changed Sex Crime Laws in California      admin January 20, 2020 0 Comments  sex crimes sex crimes The sexual assault case at Stanford University sparked changes in sex crime laws  in California. When Brock Turner received only six months in jail for sexually assaulting an unconscious woman on Stanford’s campus, many viewed his sentence as far…

California has a series of strict laws regarding sexual assault. Thousands of sexual assault incidents, also known as sexual battery in some cases, are reported each year. Even with the high numbers of reported sex crimes, countless others are never reported, investigated, or charged. California prosecutors do not take allegations of sexual assault lightly. If…

Did you know? The National Sex Offender Public Website (NSOPS) lets people search for convicted offenders in every state, territory, and tribal area. That means that if you are a registered sex offender, your name will and address will appear on that list.  What is a Sex Offender Registry? This registry is a list of…

Statutory rape is a serious crime and can permanently land you on the list of registered sex offenders. This is why it is so important to have an experienced sex crime defense attorney on your side to advocate your case. Here’s what you need to know about statutory rape in the state of California.  What…

If you are accused of a sex crime, you’ll need a criminal defense attorney with experience defending people in your specific position. It’s important to consider the case and find the right attorney that can help you fight for your rights to achieve a fair trial. Your lawyer will ask you many questions about your…

Sexual assault is a serious crime and the consequences of a sexual assault conviction can be severe.  Sexual assault is defined as any unwanted or forceful sexual contact; this runs the gamut from sexual harassment to rape. A sexual assault accusation can be extremely damaging both personally and professionally, so it’s important to know how…

Date rape is an incredibly difficult criminal offense to prosecute; It typically boils down to a “he said, she said” situation, and evidence in these cases tends to be largely circumstantial.  Additionally, existing romantic entanglements between parties can muddle the facts and lead to an abundance of reasonable doubt. Meeting the burden of proof: reasonable…

The #MeToo movement sprang out in October 2017, connecting victims of sexual harassment and sexual assault across the country. The movement gained fuel as the shameful acts of powerful producers, directors and employers were brought to light, helping victims claim a voice in a society fraught with sexual violence. The movement demonstrated the widespread prevalence…

Criminal lawyers know that being accused of sexual assault can be devastating. Just the mere accusation can damage your reputation or cause you to lose your job. A conviction will result in prison time and lifetime sex offender registration. The penalty for sexual assault continues well beyond a served prison sentence as the criminal record…

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If the police have contacted you regarding a crime, get a criminal lawyer now to help prevent charges from being filed.



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