With more and more people turning to dating apps to find a companion, it is important to know how to report sexual assault under these circumstances. While sexual assault is still sexual assault, regardless of how you met, there are additional steps you can take to protect yourself and others from online sexual predators.
Sex Crimes Dating Sites
When a person signs up for a dating website, they do so under the pretense that the people registered on the site have been checked and are safe. It is an assumption that most people make because it is hard to believe that anyone would operate a dating app that allows registered sex offenders to use their site.
Only a few, like Match.com, check the users of their site.
The truth is, over 95 percent of the dating apps out there do not check the people who are registered users on their site. Only a few, like Match.com, check the users of their site. Match operates several dating apps and has stated that only their main app checks users; all their smaller apps do not.
These apps rely on users to know how to report sexual assault to them for them to do anything about the problem. Sadly, some of the smaller apps make it nearly impossible to even find out how to report sexual assault on their app.
How To Report Sexual Assault From An Online Dating App Date
If you have been sexually assaulted when you met someone from a dating app, it is important that you take the following steps:
Report the Assault to the Police
It is crucial that you make an official report to the police about the sexual assault. This will ensure that the police investigate the incident. This can also help you get any protection you may need in the event that the assailant continues to harass you.
Get Immediate Medical Attention
You will feel a wide range of emotions after a sexual assault occurs. However, you should not allow these emotions to prevent you from getting medical care. A medical exam may also produce physical evidence against your attacker.
Report the Incident to the Dating App
Look for customer service contact information or send a message asking how to report sexual assault by one of their registered users. The app will respond to this type of inquiry. By reporting this incident, you can help prevent this person from attacking others.
Press Charges
If you are a victim of sexual assault, it is important that you follow through with your report to the police and press charges for the event. This is the best way to prevent this person from sexually assaulting anyone else.
Consider Seeking Support
Sexual assault is a very traumatic event. It may be challenging to deal with the after-effects of a sexual assault by yourself. Consider taking advantage of going to a support group for people who have experienced the same event type. The emotional support you receive in these groups is very beneficial.
How to Report Sexual Assault When Time Has Passed
Many people that have been sexually assaulted are reluctant to go to the authorities about what has happened. They may feel embarrassed or afraid, or they may feel like the assault was their own fault. However, with time, the assault takes a toll on you emotionally, and a person needs to report the event.
The first thing that you should do is gather any evidence that you may still have relating to the event. Next, you should go to the local police station and explain that you need to know how to report sexual assault from an online date. The officer that you speak with will know exactly what you need to do from that point.
The police may notify the dating app of what happened, or you still may be required to notify the app of the assault. Again, just ask the customer service section how to report sexual assault by a registered user, and you will get a quick response.
If You Have Been Accused of Sexual Assault
If you have been accused of sexual assault from an online date that you had, it will be in your best interest to seek legal representation from a criminal defense attorney. Sexual assault convictions carry very heavy penalties and may require you to register with the sex offender list for the rest of your life. If you believe you have been falsely accused, you will need to build a defense.
It is important that you break all contact with the person that has accused you of the assault. It is also recommended that you remove your profile from the dating app that you met on as well as any other dating apps you are on until this charge is handled.

Gina Tennen
At A Glance
- Expert legal strategist.
- Experienced in both prosecution and defense.
- Relentless fighter for her clients with results to prove it.
- Received the National Top 100 Trial Lawyers Award
- Featured in Time Magazine’s “Leaders of Criminal Defense” in the 100 Most Influential People edition.
Executive Managing Attorney Gina Tennen is a renowned leading advocate of personal liberties. Her meticulous trial preparation and exceptional ability to pursue every possible defense has earned her the admiration of clients and respect from prosecutors, judges, and other criminal attorneys all over the nation.
Lawyer Tennen began her career as a Senior Law Clerk for one of the toughest District Attorney’s offices in the country where she gained remarkable experience in juvenile crimes, elder abuse, parole hearings, child abuse, sex and other serious crimes. Her experience at the District Attorney’s Office armed her knowledge and case strategy in exploiting the other side’s weaknesses for the client’s advantage and building a rock solid defense. Criminal attorney Tennen’s experience on both sides and brilliant maneuvering throughout is evidenced in her winning track record. In fact, even before earning her law degree, she was instrumental in getting excellent results on several criminal cases outshining her peers.
A consummate strategist and top criminal attorney, lawyer Tennen works tirelessly on many high profile criminal cases. She is known as a relentless fighter who never gives up on any case. Whether the case is hers or handled by another criminal defense attorney from LibertyBell Law Group, no matter how small the case may seem she asserts that every client deserves the right to the best legal representation.
It is her deep belief and what she has built her entire career and lifelong dedication to that there is always hope for every client and every avenue should be pursued regardless of the time and energy it takes. For criminal attorney, Gina Tennen, devoting the finest criminal defense for clients is a habit and talent that you must apply and do all the time.
You demand the best defense. Take hold of your life and speak to our defense attorneys by calling (530)-309-1156 now.
Founder Gina Tennen and all the sex offender attorneys at LibertyBell Law Group uphold that when the bell rings, it rings for life and liberty for all.