Federal Drug Trafficking
Criminal lawyers know when drug trafficking is sought to be prosecuted in federal courts it is because there are large amounts of controlled substances or illegal drugs believed to be moved from one person or location to another. Even a conspiracy to traffic a large amount of drugs, without actually doing so but the illegal drugs are in possession, can be charged with drug trafficking by federal prosecuting lawyers.
- Drug Trafficking Investigations
- Federal Penalties for Drug Trafficking
- Federal Drug Trafficking Sentencing
- Defenses used for Federal Drug Trafficking
Criminal Lawyers emphasize how serious an accusation of federal drug trafficking is, due to draconian mandatory sentencing laws and millions of dollars in fines. Prosecutors and law enforcement agents pursue the conviction of federal drug traffickers vigorously. Federal agencies, such as the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), investigating drug trafficking are under constant political pressure to imprison drug traffickers and associates. In recent years, drug trafficking of prescription drugs have also been targeted by federal agents much more intensely and harshly.
Drug trafficking charges can include these activities related to controlled substances or illegal drugs:
- Distribution
- Conspiracy to Distribute
- Possession of Drugs (in significantly large quantities are assumed to be for the purposes of distribution and thus are investigated for trafficking and prosecuted by federal agents and attorneys)
- Transportation
- Selling
- Financing
- Manufacturing
- Cultivation
Generally speaking, federal prosecutors and agents investigate and file charges against a group of individuals in an effort to bring down the whole organization. Many times, their main target is the head of the criminal organization, or the “kingpin,” and they will attempt to use other defendants to help build their case by promising lighter sentences.
- lawyer wins case pdf lawyer wins case pdf A cop was facing 20 years in prison for paying an FBI informant in cocaine, marijuana, and heroine. Our top defense lawyer, Tennen, and local counsel, Powell and Dunham, got him no prison time !
- lawyer wins case pdf lawyer wins case pdf Our top federal and criminal lawyer, Gina Tennen, gets case dismissed for client accused of conspiracy to manufacture marijuana and manufacturing marijuana. The case involved over 360 plants, packaged pounds of marijuana, and more. The client could have received a $1,000,000 fine and gone to federal prison for 40 years.
Drug Crime Attorney
Federal prosecutors don’t always keep their word or promise of a lighter sentence unless you are represented by an experienced and reputable top criminal lawyer and drug crime attorney, such as the lawyers from LibertyBell Law Group. Whether you are considered to be a lower level violator or the top leader, it is very important you be armed with the protection and expert skill of our federal criminal lawyers. Our drug defense attorney or criminal defense attorney Los Angeles know how to maneuver strategically and present clients in the best light. Our lawyers are professionals and creative and find holes in the federal prosecutor’s arguments and are very accomplished at having evidence thrown out.
LibertyBell Law Group’s best federal criminal defense attorney s have won numerous drug trafficking cases and have obtained the best results for clients, including many high profile and complex cases. Many of which have been featured in news stories and radio shows across the country.
During pre-trial or pre-indictment investigations are when getting charges dismissed or greatly reduced is done most effectively by the best drug trafficking lawyer. It is at this stage that is most important for criminal lawyers, with expertise in federal courts and in working regularly with federal agencies, detectives, and prosecutors, to work on your case and suppress evidence.
Having expertise with witnesses is also absolutely essential in federal drug trafficking investigations and trials. LibertyBell Law Group criminal lawyers find, question, and present witnesses beneficial to the client. Taking apart and rendering useless or ineffective a witness’s testimony sometimes also has to be done by our criminal lawyers, if it is in your best interest.
Our criminal lawyers have successfully represented all levels of individuals involved either directly or indirectly in drug trafficking investigations or in court, including the “kingpin” himself. Our federal criminal lawyers know how to prevent charges from being filed, lessen the severity of charges, and protect clients from very early in the investigation, which is most important, and throughout the proceedings.
Our federal criminal lawyers don’t just know the law; they know the federal criminal justice system and agents all too well. Our lawyers know how they work, how they investigate, how they build their case, and how they make mistakes and fail.
If you are being investigated for a federal drug crime it is imperative you are represented by a criminal lawyer with expertise in federal drug crime investigations, plea bargaining, trials, and sentencing. Each step of the way is vital and has an effect on the outcome. Our criminal lawyers slice away at the prosecutor’s strategies and arguments and always stay ahead.
The federal government enforces mandatory minimum sentencing laws that carry severe punishments and longer sentences. U.S. attorneys seeking drug trafficking convictions are more concerned with individuals possessing large amounts of drugs or have a conspiracy to gain and or distribute large amounts of drugs, even if it doesn’t cross state lines.
Federal penalties for drug trafficking offenses depend on:
- Amount of controlled substances or illegal drugs
- Type of drugs
- Location of distribution; importing illegal drugs or distributing drugs illegally near colleges or schools carries higher penalties.
- Criminal history of the defendant
Federal drug trafficking penalties below do not apply if you have additional charges and counts within the same case, as that can add hefty fines and years to the sentence. Note the enormous fines aside from years in prison that can sometimes take half of your life to fulfill, which is why it is vital to your life to get the best criminal lawyers with experience in federal drug trafficking cases and investigations.
Substance/Quantity Penalty
Any Amount Of Other Schedule I & II Substances First Offense: Not more that 20 yrs. If death or serious bodily injury, not less than 20 yrs. or more than Life. Fine $1 million if an individual, $5 million if not an individual.Second Offense: Not more than 30 yrs. If death or serious bodily injury, life imprisonment. Fine $2 million if an individual, $10 million if not an individual. Any Drug Product Containing Gamma Hydroxybutyric Acid Flunitrazepam (Schedule IV) 1 Gram Any Amount Of Other Schedule III Drugs First Offense: Not more than 10 yrs. If death or serious bodily injury, not more that 15 yrs. Fine not more than $500,000 if an individual, $2.5 million if not an individual.Second Offense: Not more than 20 yrs. If death or serious injury, not more than 30 yrs. Fine not more than $1 million if an individual, $5 million if not an individual. Any Amount Of All Other Schedule IV Drugs (other than one gram or more of Flunitrazepam) First Offense: Not more than 5 yrs. Fine not more than $250,000 if an individual, $1 million if not an individual.Second Offense: Not more than 10 yrs. Fine not more than $500,000 if an individual, $2 million if other than an individual. Any Amount Of All Schedule V Drugs First Offense: Not more than 1 yr. Fine not more than $100,000 if an individual, $250,000 if not an individual.Second Offense: Not more than 4 yrs. Fine not more than $200,000 if an individual, $500,000 if not an individual. Here is a link to Federal Drug Trafficking Penalties for Schedule I, II, III, IV, and V drugs and definitions, not including marijuana. These are the Federal Drug Trafficking Penalties for Marijuana
Federal sentencing for drug trafficking can be from 3 years to life in prison and fines can range from $250,000 to $75,000,000. Penalties partly depend on the Schedule the drug exists in. Drugs higher in the Schedule, such as the Schedule I drug Heroin, can result in life in prison with no possibility of release.
Our federal criminal lawyers have a higher rate at getting cases dismissed. Though where needed, our federal criminal lawyers have expertise in sentencing and tactics that minimize punishments. They also know the different nuances of the judges and prosecutors and know what buttons to push, so to speak, to get the lightest sentence.
Los Angeles Drug Crime Attorney
Federal criminal lawyers have many defenses up their sleeves for charges of drug trafficking. Though they may use some defenses, such as entrapment or the mule defense, it is always in combination with other defenses. Top criminal lawyers use custom-made defenses based on the unique characteristics of the case and individuals involved.
Lawyers who work often with clients accused of drug trafficking realize that many accused defendants are merely acting as agents or mules which were not the target of legislators when imposing mandatory minimum sentencing and writing the controlled substances acts. Our federal criminal lawyers know when and how, depending on the judge, prosecutor, and situational factors, to use the mule defense effectively.
New laws, policies, and court rulings on drugs also greatly affect the criminal defense stance taken up by our lawyers. In effect, allowing greater ambiguity in mandatory minimum sentencing. For instance, our criminal lawyers may skillfully demonstrate that there exist no ties to a large-scale drug trafficking organization. LibertyBell Law Group criminal lawyers may also show that there was no violence, weapons, serious injury, minors involved, and other factors in strengthening your case for a winning result.
A group of top federal criminal lawyers from LibertyBell Law Group work as a team, together with their experts in drug trafficking, to give you the best defense possible. You get the nation’s top minds of criminal federal defense lawyers working for you. We truly care about you and your freedom. Know the best criminal defense attorney in los angeles .
Our veteran federal criminal lawyers have all of the resources and experts they need to get the best possible results for you. We make our powerful team of criminal lawyers available and affordable.
Now you can draw on the combined talents and resources of a large defense law firm with one goal — getting the best possible result for your case. We stand ready to defend you both inside and outside the court room.
Don’t wait. Call (530)-309-1156 now for a free consultation with one of our attorneys. Early intervention is the key to our mutual success.

Gina Tennen
At A Glance
- Expert legal strategist.
- Experienced in both prosecution and defense.
- Relentless fighter for her clients with results to prove it.
- Received the National Top 100 Trial Lawyers Award
- Featured in Time Magazine’s “Leaders of Criminal Defense” in the 100 Most Influential People edition.
Executive Managing Attorney Gina Tennen is a renowned leading advocate of personal liberties. Her meticulous trial preparation and exceptional ability to pursue every possible defense has earned her the admiration of clients and respect from prosecutors, judges, and other criminal attorneys all over the nation.
Lawyer Tennen began her career as a Senior Law Clerk for one of the toughest District Attorney’s offices in the country where she gained remarkable experience in juvenile crimes, elder abuse, parole hearings, child abuse, sex and other serious crimes. Her experience at the District Attorney’s Office armed her knowledge and case strategy in exploiting the other side’s weaknesses for the client’s advantage and building a rock solid defense. Criminal lawyer Tennen’s experience on both sides and brilliant maneuvering throughout is evidenced in her winning track record. In fact, even before earning her law degree, she was instrumental in getting excellent results on several criminal cases outshining her peers.
A consummate strategist and top criminal attorney, lawyer Tennen works tirelessly on many high profile criminal cases. She is known as a relentless fighter who never gives up on any case. Whether the case is hers or handled by another criminal defense attorney from LibertyBell Law Group, no matter how small the case may seem she asserts that every client deserves the right to the best legal representation.
It is her deep belief and what she has built her entire career and lifelong dedication to that there is always hope for every client and every avenue should be pursued regardless of the time and energy it takes. For criminal attorney, Gina Tennen, devoting the finest criminal defense for clients is a habit and talent that you must apply and do all the time.
You demand the best defense. Take hold of your life and speak to our defense attorneys by calling (530)-309-1156 now.
Founder Gina Tennen and all the defense attorneys at LibertyBell Law Group uphold that when the bell rings, it rings for life and liberty for all.