Criminal Defense Lawyers Archives | LibertyBell Law

When faced with a big case, preparation is important. Different criminal defense lawyers will have various approaches to case preparation. Independent investigation is the backbone of a good defense strategy for any defense lawyer, however. If you’re interested in learning more about the preparation process for a criminal case, keep reading! Defense Attorneys and Case…

Everyone needs to prevent identity theft. Identity theft can happen to anyone. Stealing someone’s identity can give a criminal access to bank accounts and savings, credit accounts, the ability to establish new lines of credit, and even receive medical care under another person’s name. You can take steps to help prevent identity theft, identify if…

Even being accused of a sex crime can have devastating results. From being misidentified by a victim to being accused by someone with malicious intent, there are countless scenarios where someone may be falsely accused of committing a crime. Even the most experienced Los Angeles criminal defense lawyers have yet to see every possible situation….

Date rape is an incredibly difficult criminal offense to prosecute; It typically boils down to a “he said, she said” situation, and evidence in these cases tends to be largely circumstantial.  Additionally, existing romantic entanglements between parties can muddle the facts and lead to an abundance of reasonable doubt. Meeting the burden of proof: reasonable…

Our criminal justice system is founded on ideals such as “innocent until proven guilty,” checks and balances and requiring a high standard of proof by criminal prosecutors to prove guilt by “proof beyond a reasonable doubt.” These standards are intended to prevent the conviction of innocent parties who are accused of serious crimes. Unfortunately, many…

Some of the best lawyers in the U.S. had a dream to create a team of the best criminal lawyers, criminal law specialists, and experts who pool their resources to provide you with the best defense for your life. LibertyBell Law Group is the dream that is now a reality. Everyone deserves access and the right to criminal…

A defense lawyer is also referred to as a criminal lawyer. A criminal lawyer or defense lawyer is simply an attorney representing a defendant accused of a crime. The terms lawyer and attorney are also used interchangeably; a similar analogy would be auto and car. California criminal defense lawyers do not have to prove a defendant’s innocence,…

Types of Criminal Lawyers    admin April 27, 2018 Types of Criminal Lawyers A defense lawyer or a criminal defense lawyer is also referred to as a criminal lawyer. A criminal lawyer or defense lawyer is simply an attorney representing a defendant accused of a crime. The terms lawyer and attorney are also used interchangeably; a similar…

Criminal lawyers take heed, recently a California Supreme Court ruled that aiding a felon on parole in lieu of his punishment is a crime. A felon released from prison early, before they have served their maximum sentence, is put on parole and thus subject to following conditions and rules. Criminal lawyers in Los Angeles know even felons who…

Criminal lawyers from LibertyBell Law Group represented a client charged with an illegal straw purchase of a firearm across state lines. Experienced criminal lawyers know that not only is a straw purchase of a firearm illegal, but attempting to purchase a firearm from another state is a federal crime. Our criminal lawyers were amazingly able to get the case dropped for the…

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If the police have contacted you regarding a crime, get a criminal lawyer now to help prevent charges from being filed.



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CA, 91364
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